We empower people around the world to study abroad and access the best education.

Our Services

Our first aim is the satisfy student even if he is not eligible for studying abroad like if he cannot afford studying abroad or if he is not meeting institution entry requirements. Our services include:

Pre evaluation of the student:

We at Student Services Expert look into student profile and guide them on phone, whatsapp or email for their initial admission options.

Selecting university and degree program:

We help students to select the right university and degree program looking into their academic achievement, future plans and financial capacity.

Standardized Test preparation:

Under the supervision of well qualified English teachers we provide training and prepare students for tests like IELTS, TOEFL, Pearson PTE and English language. Expert guidance

Visa Guidance:

Once student get admission at the desired university he needs to apply for the visa at the relevant embassy. We help our students to best prepare for the visa and how to appear in the interview at the embassy.

Pre-Departure Briefing:

We brief students once the got the visa on how to travel, what to take with you and how to book your accommodation.